Annual General Meeting – 31st of July 2020 in Stockholm, Sweden – CytoVac AB

30 Jun 2020

Annual General Meeting – 31st of July 2020 in Stockholm, Sweden – CytoVac AB

Kallelse till årsstämma i Cytovac AB

Aktieägarna i Cytovac AB kallas härmed till årsstämma fredagen den 31 juli 2020 kl. 15.00 på Bird & Bird Advokats kontor på Norrlandsgatan 15 i Stockholm

Notice of Annual General Meeting of Cytovac AB

The shareholders of Cytovac AB are hereby convened to the annual general meeting to be held on Friday 31 July 2020, at 15.00 at Bird & Bird lawyers office at Norrlandsgatan 15 in Stockholm

1. Kallelse till årsstämma 2020 (notice to AGM 2020)
2. Fullmaktsformulär (form of power of attorney)
3. Poströstningsformulär (form of postal voting)
4. Styrelsens förslag till emissionsbemyndigande (board proposal for board issuance authorisation)

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