Pressemeddelelse/ Press release 14. jan 2020

14 Jan 2020

Pressemeddelelse/ Press release 14. jan 2020

På dansk – in English below

Pressemeddelse Cytovac Jan. 14, 2020
Cytovac har igangsat en ny privat kapital rejsning i perioden d. 14-31 Januar, hvor selskabet ønsker
at rejse 15 millioner danske kroner (SEK 21.5 millioner), der skal finansiere selskabets aktiviteter
indtil udgangen af 2020.
Cytovac har besluttet at starte et investigator-initieret studie i triple negativ brystkræft (CV007) i
samarbejde med Odense Universitets Hospital. Studiet forventes påbegyndt senere i 2020. Til dette
studie vil CytoVacs 2nd generations Alecsat produkt blive benyttet. CytoVac følger hermed sin
tidligere oplyste kliniske udviklingsplan.
Cytovac har afsluttet CV006 fase 2 studiet i patienter med hjernekræft (glioblastom) i Sverige.
Studiet inkluderede 62 patienter randomiseret 1:2 til at modtage standard behandling eller standard
behandling plus ALECSAT behandling. Det primære formål med studiet var at undersøge effekten af
ALECSAT på udvikling af glioblastom. Fase 2 studiet viste ingen statistisk signifikant effekt af ALECSAT
behandlingen på udviklingen af glioblastom. CytoVacs CV003 fase 1 studie (25 patienter med
glioblastom) demonstrerede ellers 2 patienter med komplet respons og en patientmed delvis
Selskabets direktør, Kim Arvid Nielsen, har besluttet ikke at være en del af den fremtidige udvikling
hos CytoVac, men har valgt at stå til rådighed for selskabet i en fremadrettet periode. Selskabets
finanschef, Lone Dahl Andersen, bliver konstitueret som ny direktør for selskabet foreløbigt frem til
1. marts 2020.


In English

Press release Cytovac January 14, 2020
Cytovac has initiated a new private capital raise for the period January 14-31, 2020, Cytovac
wishes to raise DKK 15 million (SEK 21.5 million), which will finance the company´s activities until
the end of 2020.
Cytovac has decided to start the investigator-initiated study in triple negative breast cancer (CV007) in
collaboration with Odense University hospital. The study is expected to start later in 2020. For this study
Cytovac´s 2nd generation ALECSAT product will be used. Thus, Cytovac continues its previously announced
clinical development plan.
Cytovac has completed the CV006 phase 2 study in patients with brain cancer (glioblastoma) in Sweden.
The study included 62 patients randomized 1:2 to receive standard treatment or standard treatment plus
ALECSAT therapy. The primary objective of the study was to investigate the effect of ALECSAT on
glioblastoma progression. The phase 2 study showed no statistically significant effect of ALECSAT therapy
on the progression of glioblastoma. Cytovac´s CV003 phase 1 study (25 patients with advanced
glioblastoma) otherwise demonstrated 2 patients with complete response and one patient with partial
The company´s CEO Kim Arvid Nielsen has decided not to be a part of the future development at Cytovac
but has chosen to be available to the company for a future period. The company´s CFO, Lone Dahl
Andersen will be appointed as new CEO of the company provisionally until March 1, 2020.
Board of Directors

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